
Defensive Learning

Being defensive on the road is important. There are certain signs which describe the defensive levels while you are parking or driving. Some of the defensive learning is:

Helmet Check List

  • Helmet should not be not more than five years old.
  • It should fit comfortably but not too tightly or loose.
  • Fasten the chin strap, have it properly tightened.
  • Replace the helmet after a crash or after dropping on to a hard surface.

Riding at Night

  • Stay alert and be prepared for mistakes other drivers may make.
  • Use your high beam when you are not following or travelling towards other vehicles.
  • Reduce your speed at night, even on roads you know well.
  • Replace the helmet after a crash or after dropping on to a hard surface.
  • Allow a greater following distance.

Parking Uphill

When a car is travelling uphill, it will slow down rapidly the moment declaration begins, so judgement of speed distance, declaration and breaking are critical if you are to stop the exact spot you require, just before the car steps, turn the frontiers to the right, so that if the does roll backwards.

Parking Uownhill

While paring downhill several signs are to be remembered. Braking needs to be heavier when travelling downhill. A longer braking distance should be allowed A lower gear, will help to hold the car bank by engine braking. Whether or not there is a kerb. See the handbrake and leave the car in reverse gear.

Course 1Defensive Driving Course
DurationFull Day(8 Hours)
Course FeeRS 1000 per Partcipant
Contents1. Pre-operative procedures and funcion of each control
2. Vechicle technology and developments
3. Road Safety
4. Causes of Road accidents
5. Traffic rules and regulations
6. Identifing potential hazards.
7. How to react correctly during emergencies
8. Defensive driving techniques
9. Case stdies on some accidents